We understand the importance of developing a strong relationship with God. When our relationship with God is strong, every other area in our life will be impacted. After God, real relationships with people matter. Our LifeGroups and Connect Groups allow people to get connected with others and the church. At LifePoint Church we believe life is about relationships!
We believe in the power of the word of God. Our services, LifeGroups, and Connect Groups exist to help people grow in understanding Gods word. We believe in growing spiritually and are intentional about equipping ourselves to be an effective disciple of Christ. At LifePoint Church we value the word of God!
Whether we are called to give or go, we are intentional about reaching the lost. From local to global, we are passionate about people experiencing the love of God. We are intentional about how we spend our time and resources helping others. We exist for people. At LifePoint Church, we are mission minded in everything we do!
We are multigenerational! We do not limit our church to one age group, but intentionally reach all ages. Every age group has a place and a purpose at LifePoint. We are multigenerational. We do not limit our church to one ethnicity. We welcome people of every race, or nationality. At LifePoint we are a diverse Church!